Who was James Crown married to? All about his wife and children as US billionaire dies in race crash

Well-known businessman James Crown recently passed away on June 25, 2023, at the age of 70. Pitkin County Coroner's Office revealed that he died in a car crash at Aspen Motorsports Park in Woody Creek following which he suffered from a blunt force trauma.

Crown was married to Paula Hannaway since 1985 and the duo were the parents of four children.

Charity organization Friends of the Robert Crown Center paid tribute to Crown on Facebook by sharing a picture of their building. The caption stated:

"The flag at the Robert Crown Community Center flies at half mast to honor James Crown, who lost his life in a tragic accident Sunday. We extend our deepest condolences to his wife Paula, his parents Lester and Renee, the entire Crown family and anyone who loved and admired Jim. He will be sorely missed."

Chicago Mayor's Office wrote on a Facebook post that Crown was involved in a lot of philanthropic work. The statement read:

"With his generosity, Jim truly embodied the soul of Chicago. I was especially grateful for his commitment to work collaboratively with my administration to build a safer Chicago, having met recently to share ideas. I send my deepest condolences to his wife, four children, grandchildren, and the entire Crown family and pray for their peace."

James Crown tied the knot with Paula Hannaway in 1985 and welcomed four children

James Crown gained recognition over the years as the president of a family investment company, Henry Crown and Company. He was also the director of other companies like JPMorgan Chase & Co., General Dynamic, and Sara Lee.

Crown was married to Paula Hannaway since 1985 and she is a businesswoman. Born in January 1959, she joined Duke University where she finished her graduation in Management Science in 1980. Paula later joined the School of Art Institute of Chicago where she finished her Master's.

Paula is a board member of Children's Memorial Hospital and MOMA. She has also been a part of her husband's family business for a long time and supported the launch of the Lester Crown Endowment for Lectures in Ethics. Paula and James were the parents of four children – Victoria, Hayley, William, and Summer.

James Crown's father Lester Crown is also a businessman

James Crown was born to a family of businessmen. He finished his graduation from Hampshire College and then came to Stanford Law School, obtaining his Juris Doctor degree.

He was the chairman of the University of Chicago's board of trustees and joined the Capital Markets Service Group as a vice president. He was serving as a chairman of the Commercial Club of Chicago Civic Committee's public safety task force since this month.

Crown then came to Henry Crown and Company as a president. The company was established in 1919 and it later expanded into a huge privately held business and land developer in the US. In 2020, the net worth of Crown's family was stated to be $10.2 billion, making them the 34th richest family worldwide.

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