Former UFC fighter Travis Browne married Jenna Webb in 2015. The two got divorced a year later following domestic violence allegations brought forward by Webb.
Full name Jenna Renee Webb, the former wife of Travis Browne is a fitness model and an Instagram influencer. She is self-admittedly an animal lover and her unique workout involves a lot of riding, which explains the tons of pictures of horses on Webb's social media.
In a previous interview with the Muscle And Fitness media outlet, Jenna Webb explained how she got into fitness and how her current fitness regime helps her stay on track.
Webb stated that she had been riding since she was four years old and now owns a horse ranch, which involves a lot of manual labor. Webb said:
"I own a horse ranch in Ormond Beach, FL, so it’s a lot of manual labor. Riding a horse is a killer workout— your butt, your legs, your abdomen, your core. I can get on a horse after only a two-week absence and be sore after 10 minutes... I’ve been riding since I was 4 years old. I also do barrel racing, where I ride a horse around [a cloverleaf pattern] for speed and time. It’s fun— and dangerous."Jenna Webb also shared that she got into weight training and fitness because of body-image issues that she had in her twenties. Webb explained:
"I was 20 and had body-image problems. I was “skinny-fat”…skinny and not at all overweight, but I had cellulite everywhere. I got really insecure and decided I was going to educate myself on the right way to do things. So I started weight training, and after seeing results within two to three weeks I became addicted [to working out]."Former UFC heavyweight Travis Browne recently announced he is expecting a baby with his current wife, UFC Hall-of-Famer Ronda Rousey. Browne met Rousey during a time of crisis when he was undergoing an investigation by the UFC on the basis of allegations brought forward by Jenna Webb.
Webb shared pictures of her bruises on social media, claiming she sustained them in a domestic violence situation with her husband Travis Browne.
The UFC suspended Browne for a short while, but he was soon reinstated as the investigation team found "inconclusive evidence" supporting the claims of domestic violence by Webb.
Webb also slammed Browne's then-girlfriend, now-wife Ronda Rousey, for flaunting what looked like a 'promise' ring on Saturday Night Live, and claimed that Browne was still married to her.
Jenna Webb never pressed charges and Travis Browne fought in the UFC for another year before leaving.
Browne opened up about the matter in an MMA Fighting interview around a year later for the first time since the allegations were made. He said he felt betrayed and questioned why the media was not asking Webb why she did not press charges as much as they were harassing him.
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