Who is Joyce Meyer husband Dave Meyer?

Pauline Joyce Meyer is an American Charismatic Christian author, speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Joyce and her husband, Dave, have four grown children and live outside St. Louis, Missouri. Her ministry is headquartered near the St. Louis suburb of Fenton, Missouri.

Meyer also reports that during an intense prayer, while driving to work one morning in 1976, she heard God call her name. She was born-again at age nine, but unhappiness drove her deeper into her faith. She got home later that day from a beauty appointment “full of liquid love” and was “drunk with the Spirit of God” that night while at the local bowling alley.

Who is Joyce Meyer’s husband Dave Meyer?

Joyce’s husband Dave Meyer is a veteran of the United States Army. Dave has been married to Joyce for over fifty years. Meyer was briefly a member of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in St. Louis, a congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

She began leading an early-morning Bible class at a local cafeteria and became active in Life Christian Center, a charismatic church in Fenton. Within a few years, Meyer was the church’s associate pastor. The church became one of the leading charismatic churches in the area, largely because of her popularity as a Bible teacher. She also began airing a daily 15-minute radio broadcast on a St. Louis radio station.
