How to Make Joel Robuchon's Signature Potato Dish

August 6, 2018 10:20 AM EDT

Of all the haute cuisine in legendary chef Joel Robuchon’s repertoire, he was best known for his signature potato puree dish, which is essentially mashed potatoes.

He was as serious about spuds as he was about everything — and Robuchon’s secret to elevating the dish came from a significant heap of butter. His potato dish became so notable it earned him a Michelin star.

But it wasn’t just his potatoes that earned him accolades. His revolutionary “Atelier” restaurants offering intimate counter seating around the world made Robouchon a Michelin star collector. He held the record for most stars ever for years and as of this year, he held 31 stars.

To make his signature dish, you only need four ingredients — potatoes (Yukon gold will do,) milk, butter and salt. You boil the potatoes until they’re tender, according to a Saveur recipe. Then you peel them hot — that’s the key — and use a food mill to puree them until they’re silky smooth. Eventually you whisk in boiled milk and fold in cubes of ice cold butter to get the potatoes fluffy.

Watch a YouTube chef’s take on Robuchon’s classic mashed potato recipe below.
