How Clowns Can Reclaim Their Non-Creepy Reputation

A surefire way to get popular, at least on the internet (which is basically the only place that matters now) is by penning a moving, personal essay on Medium. Bonus points if it goes viral. A clown, representing all the other clowns, can tell the world — or at the very least, the Medium community — how you denounce the creepy clown community, because these clowns don't embody or live up to whatever tenets clowns hold sacred. Something about whoopie cushions, probably.

Medium's readership is mostly made up of educated 18-34 year olds, which happens to be a highly coveted market. A clown racks up a few essays and a nice following, and they could even potentially land a highly lucrative book deal. At the very least, it may score them a newer, less creepy gig.
