Core Web Vitals Assessment: Failed

There is a new feature in PageSpeed Insights that shows you the experience of real users. Now I checked one of my websites with this feature on mobile and I got this message:

"Core Web Vitals Assessment: Failed Computed from the Core Web Vitals metrics over the latest 28-day collection period. Learn more"

Why is PageSpeed returning me this answer? It seems all ok in Google Search Console under Core web vitals.


2 Answers

Core Web Vitals result is based on 3 metrics below

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • All 3 metric's score is divided into 3 categories - Good, Needs Improvement and Poor. If any of these 3 metric is not having 'Good' score, the overall results is shown as 'Failed'.
    Check the metrics score just below the 'Failed' text, and find out which metric score needs to be improved.

    When your CWV Assessment fails, you need a systematic approach to diagnose and optimize your web performance. Here's the in-depth tech guide to get you out of the woods.

  • Analyzing the Problem: Before jumping into solutions, you need to understand what's causing the poor CWV scores. Utilize tools like Chrome's Lighthouse or WebPageTest for an in-depth analysis of your website. These provide specific metrics (like First Contentful Paint, Cumulative Layout Shift, and Largest Contentful Paint) that directly impact CWV.

  • Optimizing Your Site: Once you've pinpointed the issues, start addressing them systematically. For instance, if your website struggles with render-blocking resources, you can optimize the critical rendering path by inlining critical CSS, deferring non-critical JavaScript, or using async and defer attributes.

  • Monitoring Real-User Metrics: Lab data is fantastic, but it might not fully represent your users' experience. Real-user monitoring (RUM) is crucial to catch anomalies that lab tests may miss. Here's where a tool like Loado can be a game-changer. It collects real-user data, helping you keep track of the user's actual experience.

  • Iterating Your Process: Improvement doesn't stop with optimization. Make this a continuous process - keep monitoring, adjusting, and learning from your metrics. Remember, performance is a journey, not a destination!

  • Educate Yourself: Stay updated with the latest practices and tools. Resources like the Google Web Dev Blog, MDN Web Docs, and forums like this are a goldmine of knowledge.

  • Remember, the goal of CWV isn't just to meet some arbitrary Google standard, but to create a delightful user experience. As you navigate this journey, we're right here to help! Feel free to reach out with any further questions.
